About me
I have lived in Cairo, Egypt and in the last 5 years in Sofia, Bulgaria – together with my wonderful husband and our three amazing adult children. One of them lives in Japan with his Japanese wife and children. In November 2019 we came to Kyoto to live here for the next 6 years. Through the Feldenkrais method I developed the boldness and inner freedom to just try this and that and not to mind to be a beginner again and again. So what? Every ever so tiny step of new learning is so interesting, if we’re curious enough. It also helped me a lot in orienting myself in a life full of new beginnings in strange countries.
I’ve been practicing Feldenkrais since many years, and became a certified Feldenkrais practitioner, obtained my Feldenkrais certification in 2018. Director of training: Beatriz Walterspiel. Since then I’ve participated in advanced workshops with Olena Nitefor, Eilat Almagor, Anat Krivine.
In summer 2022 I finished the Jeremy Krauss training to widen my knowledge in also working with special needs children.
The Jeremy Krauss Approach (JKA) is a new understanding and perspective of experiential learning and early movement development. The primary focus in JKA is helping develop potential and abilities – physically, mentally and emotionally. It supports children and adults to learn, change and overcome developmental challenges of various kinds through a process of Progressive Developmental Abilities Formation.

“Movement has the capacity to take us to the home of the soul, the world within for which we have no name. Movement reaches our deepest nature, and dance creatively expresses it. Through dance we gain new insights into the mystery of our lives. When brought forth from the inside and forged by the desire to create personal change, dance has the profound power to heal the body, psyche and soul.”
(Anna Halprin)
“I was introduced into Feldenkrais method by Elizabeth Wetzel a couple of years ago. Since then I had both group and individual lessons. My neck definitely changed for better. A bit of my attitudes towards movement and towards myself – too. Amazing stuff.’’
Rumen Petrov, MD, PhD
“I started doing Feldenkrais lessons after trauma that caused me severe tension and restrictions. The group practice and the individual lessons had been truly transformative! I have been slowly regaining freedom of movement which also affects all other aspects of my life.”
V. S., Sofia
“The Feldenkrais method made me realise the body is a universe, not a purely mechanical device. The psyche is closely connected to the body and there is no purely psychological treatment of the soul or purely mechanical treatment of the body, both are deeply linked. I start to notice how I defend myself not only physically but also mentally. Mentally, the first reaction is that I try to avoid, in order to quickly get away from the uncomfortable / strange / unfamiliar sensation. During the lesson, with your guidance, I can pursue such sensations and sense, what is going on. It is not possible to move “purely mechanically”, but all movements are linked to inner experience. I don’t know how that works, but you do something to my feet and my stuffy nose will clear.”
R.F., Kyoto
First time I met Elizabeth at the beginning of 2019. I think that regarding to my health, mental and physical, this was the most significant event in my life. At that time I had neck and back pain, numbness of my hands, and hopeless diagnosis Fibromyalgia. I am a medical doctor -anesthesia and intensive care specialist – I knew how bad was the prognosis of my quality of life if I started conventional treatment and that’s why I was desperate and depressed. After a first group lesson Elizabeth started FI session with me. I was so surprised. I felt fantastic after every other session. Gradually I started to make changes step by step in my life and to get rid from aching, back and neck pain and numbness. First time I met such a different approach – treatment from body to mind. After Elisabeth moved to Japan end of 2019 we continued lessons online once a week and I’m still making further significant improvement. Thanks to Elizabeth and her priceless knowledge now I can move freely without pain, I can enjoy movement of my body, I can dance, run, hiking, riding bicycle, and most important I can enjoy my life, I feel relaxed, stable and confident in myself. I am happier with no pain in my body, with good gait and posture. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. God bless you.
Vesselina, Sofia
I came across Feldenkrais randomly in 2022 while living in Kyoto – I had been having episodes of dizziness since 2018 which were increasing in duration (i.e. initially 3-4 days to a month or so). I was sent for numerous blood tests, MRI scans, vestibular physiotherapy, hearing tests … there still was no indication as to what was causing my dizziness. I was quite desperate to find a solution. An orthopedic in Kyoto did find that I had bulging discs in my neck (C4, C6). I decided to start weekly acupuncture sessions after the prescribed traction treatments seemed to not help. I was still feeling off and on dizzy and, after searching the internet, I came across Feldenkrais. I was curious and found Elisabeth was living in Kyoto as well so I thought I would give it a try – not really knowing fully what to expect. Walking (or biking) away from that first treatment with Elisabeth, I could feel the differences already: my shoulders and elbows felt lighter, and I could turn my neck easier. My acupuncturist could even feel the difference in the tension of my shoulders after that first treatment. I did Feldenkrais with Elisabeth from October ’22 up until I left Kyoto in September ’23. During this time, I became so much more aware of how my own body moves, how these movements could be improved and where the triggers are. Now, when I feel the dizziness coming on, I can alter my movements to avoid a full-on episode – which is such a gift! Thank you, Elisabeth, and I wish we were living in the same city still 🙂
C. Hepp